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2025 Fee Schedule

Normal Hourly Rate: $325/hour*


Rush (same day) / Weekend: $487.50/hour


Trademark Application: $325 first class, $150 each additional class

                Basic Conflict Search of U.S.P.T.O. Database: $100 per word mark/class


Request Extension of Time: $75


Filing Statement of Use: $150 first class, $75 each additional class


Filing Sec.8/15: $150 first class, $75 each additional class


Filing 10 year renewal: $150 first class, $75 each additional


Copyright Application: $125


Work-for-hire templates: $75/each


*There is a 20% discount available off of the hourly rate if paid in advance, and there is a 10% discount available off of the hourly rate if invoices are paid NET14.

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